We feel your pain
It is very difficult to learn complicated subjects in a language that you are not fluent in. We understand that it is also difficult to excel in academics while you shoulder many responsibilities outside of school.
Saquama is an application, website and Youtube channel that helps you easily understand what you are learning at school. With us, you can learn on your own time and at your own speed.

We have prepared many books worth of study materials for you to enjoy. Our content is in video format and full of images so you can easily visualize complicated concepts. By using our website, our application and our Youtube channel, you can learn easily and painlessly. If you use our app, you can view videos offline once you download them.

We understand the language issue
In Ethiopia, higher level education is provided in English. However, there aren't many English speakers around us so our mastery of the language is very minimal.
As a result, we will spend a lot of time trying to figure out basic concepts። Unfortunately, many of us would be ridden with anxiety and insecurity about our studies.
Not mastering the foundations
Difficult subjects, especially in STEM, get increasingly complicated if we do not master the foundations first.
Because of lack of time or the many committments outside of school, we miss a lot of foudnational lessons and never learn the building blocks of certain subjects. Days turn to months and then years, cracking our confidence and driving us to conclude, “I am bad at school.”
- Prepare food for their entire family daily
- Earn some money by selling home-made items
- Fetch water if they live in places where clean water is unavailable
- Take care of younger siblings

Let us Help You
Our digital lessons enable you to learn at their own pace, with the ability to pause, rewind, and repeat in a way that that you are not able to in the classroom. If you skip school for a period of time because life gets in the way, our platform enables you to catch up.
Make your dreams come true
The future is bright with Saquama
Dreams do not come true without hard work and committment. But we also need support and resources to achieve our goals. We at Saquama are determined to help you succeed. We will be your big brother, sister or tutor and guide you through the difficulties of academics. Together, we can do anything!

Our Partnerships
Partnering to bring our vision to life

We are currently working with Khan Academy to bring their world-class content to Ethiopian students. We are also actively working to expand our partnerships in content, translation, and distribution. Together we make a positive impact on your academic lives.

We are grateful to the McMillan Stewart Foundation for their grant support for content production.
This platform provides STEM and language lessons.
In addition to our website, we also have an android application. The application will also enable you to download videos and watch offline.