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Grade 7 General Science Unit 6: Rotation of Earth/የመሬት መሽከርከር

New Ethiopian Curriculum of Grade 7 General Science Unit 6: Earth in Space Grade 7 General Science Unit 6 full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUf24gkZq8wLI0DhwJS_-GjDrv7Bew3XV በዚህ ቪዲዮ ውስጥ ስለ ምድር እንቅስቃሴዎች እንማራለን። የተሰራውም በ7ኛ ክፍል አጠቃላይ ሳይንስ ምዕራፍ 6 ላይ ተመስርቶ ነው። በሳቋማ (ኤጁኬሽን ፎር ኢትዮጵያ) ስር የተለቀቁ የቀለም ቪዲዮዎች ከኢትዮጵያ ስርዓተ ትምህርት ጋር የሚስማሙ ናቸው። In this video, we are going to learn about the Earth’s movements. It based on Unit 6 of Grade 7 of the Ethiopian curriculum. The academic videos published under Saquama (Education for Ethiopia) are in line with the Ethiopian curriculum. Amharic version developed by Saquama http://saquama.com/ #አጠቃላይሳይንስ #GeneralScience #Saquama #EducationforEthiopia #ሳቋማ